Improves Conversion Rates
eCommerce is incredibly competitive. Consumers evaluate based on price and brand trust. The ease of checkout is often a determining factor as to whether that curious customer completes a purchase. The exemption certificate submission process can mean lengthy forms that are required and unique to each state and local tax jurisdiction; or, with GMG CERTifyTax, it can be seamless and automatic.
Retain Profit Margins
A sales tax audit is a challenging experience all businesses. It is time-consuming and can be expensive. An audit can leave your business open to large sales tax assessments, interest, and penalties. Often, this assessment can be avoided just by having the right paperwork. The GMG CERTifyTax solution helps you properly complete and retain your exempt sales documents to reduce your audit exposure. The result is more money in your pocket and a less stressful audit experience.
Reliable and Proven Expertise
eCommerce retailers must abide by the tax laws in every jurisdiction. Since the Supreme Court’s Wayfair decision, businesses no longer need to have a physical presence in a state to be subject to that state’s rules. This means a dramatic shift in how eCommerce retailers process taxation paperwork. The law requires them to be tax experts wherever they make sales.
GMG CERTifyTax removes this burden. The rules of every jurisdiction are already integrated into the software. Plus, GMG CERTifyTax is staffed by a large team of tax professionals who are experienced in the issues faced by eCommerce business. When you partner with GMG CERTifyTax, you get the automation, the expertise, and the knowledge support to keep your business running smoothly.
Call (914) 798-9990 to speak with our experts or request information from our sales team by clicking here to help provide a solution to your business needs.
Is Your Business at Risk for Tax Audits?
Call (914) 798-9990 to speak with our experts or request information from our sales team by completing the form below.