Why CertifyTax?
Sales Tax Expertise. Technology. Results.
With COVID and recent tax changes, states are aggressively looking to sales tax audits to refill their coffers. The item that tops the auditor’s list for review – Exemption Certificates. Why? Any company that makes sales subject to sales tax will be audited on the sales records where tax was not collected. Exemption certificates are the evidence you need to prove that taxes were not due on a transaction. Without the certificate, the tax burden will shift from your customer to you.

CERTifyTax can help.
We are the Exempt Sales experts, assessing risk and creating solutions that protect you from the exposure created by improperly documented exempt sales. We identify and correct Exemption Certificate errors before the audit, so that you can operate your business profitably without the distraction of audit issues. Our risk-assessment methodology and business analytics provide our clients insight as to their sales tax exposure. The exposure is calculated at a granular level so our professionals can proactively obtain the proper documentation to reduce audit risk and provide quantifiable financial value. Our exemption certificate management solution, GMG CERTifyTax, was developed by tax attorneys and CPAs to provide our clients with an actual solution to the audit assessments they were receiving related to exempt sales. GMG CERTifyTax addresses the requirements of specific industries and is fully configurable to meet the specific needs of your business. With built in analytics, we deliver quantifiable financial value to our clients allowing them to realize benefits to their bottom line. GMG CERTifyTax provides sales tax audit defense to Fortune 100 companies, enterprises and large organizations, covering areas of exposure not addressed by tax software designed to be “one size fits all.”So, are your Exemption Certificates ready for your next sales tax audit? With solutions from GMG CERTifyTax, the answer is “Yes”.

The Expertise of GMG Consulting Tax Attorneys, CPAs and Tax technologists with the singular goal of providing financial value to your company.

Customized Solutions
A Fully Configurable ECM SaaS Solution to Address Your Business Needs with the Ability to Seamless Integrate with Your Current Software in Real Time.

A Team of Experienced Tax Analysts to Review Your Exemption Certificates, Proactive Certificate Acquisition Efforts and Quarterly Financial Exposure Analysis.